You most likely ended up on this page because you are looking for an Australian Cobberdog puppy. We like that very much, but a Warrigal's Australian Cobberdog puppy is something special that we do not take lightly.
Before we sell a puppy to you, we would like to ask you a number of questions. The answers will help us determine whether an Australian Cobberdog will meet your needs and expectations. If this is the case, based on your expectations, we can better determine which puppy is the most suitable for you. We use this registration form for this [click here]
Once we have received this form back in our mailbox, we will make an appointment for a Meet & Greet with our adult dogs. We can then get to know you as a family so that we can make the perfect match for your family's needs later in the process. At the same time, you can get to know us and cuddle with our dogs. This is mandatory, especially if you have allergies. We would find it sad for all parties if you had to return the puppy after a week because there would be allergic reactions that had not been tested in advance with our dogs.
If you then decide to go for a Warrigal's Australian Cobberdog puppy, you will definitely be put on the litter list for the next litter (or, if desired, on the waiting list for a later litter). We will keep you constantly informed of developments with photos and videos via a WhatsApp group.
When the puppies are about 5 weeks old, you will come for a maternity visit to admire the litter. Any preference can then be expressed, but keep in mind that the final distribution of the puppies will only take place after the puppy aptitude test at 6 weeks. Our findings during these tests will in many cases be decisive when matching the puppies with their new owners. In any case, this will be done based on the talent, energy and needs of both the puppies and their new owners. The famous “click” could also be decisive in this. When the puppies are 8 weeks old, they can go to their "for ever homes".

Meet & Greet
Once we have received the registration form back in our mailbox, we will make an appointment for a Meet & Greet with our adult dogs. We can then get to know you as a family so that we can make the perfect match for your family's needs later in the process. At the same time you can get to know us and cuddle our dogs. This is mandatory, especially if you have allergies. We would find it sad for all parties if you had to return the puppy after a week because there would be allergic reactions that had not been tested in advance with our dogs.
Lifelong guidance
Access to our knowledge and experience
Priority (well-being always first!)
Short lines via “WhatsApp nest groups"
Puppy test
To create the best match between puppy and owner, we do a puppy test around 6 weeks of age. Through this test we can determine the disposition of the puppies.
Think about;
*How confident is the puppy?
*How does the puppy deal with stress?
*What is the puppy's energy level?
*What is the puppy's first reaction to new situations/people?
*How people-oriented is the puppy?
*How enterprising is the puppy?
*How playful is the puppy?
And so on.
We do this by exposing the puppy to a new environment, new people and situations without his or her brothers and sisters. All senses are stimulated and reactions are observed, we can get a lot of information from this!
This is very important, especially for ''Special'' families or families who are specifically looking for a therapy dog. In this way we determine which puppy is most suitable for the dog's expectations and future vision.

Our puppies move with a real contract in their pocket. Contracts/agreements are by definition always heavy legal costs and generally not much fun. However, we believe it is important to work with such a document to record a number of important matters. Our most important approach to this is that the well-being of our puppies is protected as much as possible at all times. A brief summary of what is regulated in this document is that:
*You as the buyer guarantee that you provide the dog with a clean and pleasant living environment. In any case, this means that the dog is part of the family, receives fresh clean water every day, good nutrition, coat care, health care and companionship.
*You undertake to keep the risk of developing hip and elbow dysplasia (HD & ED) as low as possible in the first year of life. This means that the dog is not allowed to climb stairs before the age of 8 months, not on slippery floors or with a ball or the like. is allowed to run, and is not allowed to jump in and out of the car themselves.
* You understand that we have taken all preventive measures to protect the dog against internal and external parasites. We have had the parent dogs fully tested for all testable hereditary abnormalities in Australian Cobberdogs and that the parent dogs are completely free of these abnormalities.
* And if it is determined within ten days after delivery of the dog that the dog suffers from a disease, defect or abnormality that was already present when the purchase agreement was entered into, you are entitled to terminate the agreement.
* If, due to circumstances, you can no longer or no longer want to care for the dog, or if the welfare of the dog is at risk, you must first consult with us for a solution and first offer the dog back to us.
* You agree that: before a male dog is two years old, he will be neutered; a bitch is neutered/spayed 3 months after her first heat.
*Allergy clause: If you or a family member appear to be allergic to the dog, it can be returned within 10 days.